Standard Chartered QR cash, a quick way to withdraw money

In March 2018, Standard Chartered Bank launched QR Cash, a cardless cash withdrawal service in Hong Kong. As the lead product designer on the team, I was responsible for designing a user-friendly interface and ensuring that the service met the needs of the target users. The service aimed to increase ATM usage, reduce queuing and waiting times, and minimise human and machine errors.


Lead product designer


Design Concept Exploration, Leading UX Research, Stakeholder Management




Business Goals

Increase usage of ATMs to reduce branch counters dependency, particularly by the elderly
Reduce the time spent in line and per ATM transaction.


To understand the needs and challenges of primary and secondary users, we conducted ethnographic research and stakeholder interviews with the Standard Chartered UX Research teams in Singapore and Hong Kong. Our findings revealed that

Elderly individuals aged 65 and above were not using ATMs because they preferred visiting branch counters.

Additionally, we found that working professionals aged 25 to 55 had fears related to making mistakes, losing funds due to transaction errors, and entering incorrect information or PIN numbers multiple times. Elderly individuals may require additional visual or auditory guidance due to poor eyesight.

Product Objectives

Based on our research findings, we added the following product objectives:

Ensure that 70% of common ATM transactions can be completed on the first screen.
Prevent and reduce human or machine error through improvements to the user interface.

Design Process

To improve the user experience, we mapped out the different stages in the customer journey to identify friction and emotions.

QR Cash service blueprint process.

Design Objectives

Based on our insights from various research methods, as well as aligned business and product objectives, our team has identified five key design objectives that address both business and product goals. Our aim is to improve the user experience in the following areas:

  • Reduce fear of security and privacy by ensuring that input information is clear and easily readable.
  • Increase readability by using a dyslexic-friendly font for instructions and numerical values.
  • Enhance the input area by splitting numbers into sections to match the card format instead of presenting a long string of numbers.
  • Provide alternative methods for inputting information beyond typing.
  • Implement alternative conflict resolution procedures in the event of multiple incorrect PIN attempts.

Before jumping into the design of the solution and interfaces, we first had to map out the flow of the new ATM experience for both users with and without ATM cards.

Information structure of what the user would potential see on the physical ATM screen.

Recommended user journey for secondary ATM services as part of this initiative.

User journey of how a person would perform cash withdrawal without the need of an ATM card.

We then designed a user-friendly interface that allowed customers to pre-set instructions via the SC Mobile app and withdraw cash instantly by scanning a QR code at any Standard Chartered ATM in Hong Kong. We also provided clear visual and auditory guidance for elderly individuals, reducing their fears and challenges.

A series of animated onboarding screens to show users how the QR cash process would be like.

We also explored different icon options for placement on the app's landing page for easy access to the QR cash service.

The process of selecting your account and the amount you want to withdraw before you reach or stand in line at the ATM.

The process of selecting your account and the amount you want to withdraw before you reach or stand in line at the ATM.

Scanning QR code on the ATM and error handling


The QR Cash service was successfully launched in March 2019, and customers responded positively to the user-friendly interface and clear instructions. The service has since increased ATM usage, reduced queuing and waiting times, and minimised human and machine errors. As the product designer on the team, I am proud to have contributed to the project's success by designing a user-friendly interface that met the needs of the target users.

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